Monte Schiaparelli (1585 meters) - Canal Keats Tierra del Fuego - December 1999

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Above: With Base Camp Pelagic in a nook and cranny in Baia Queta, Elena Caputo, Giangi Quarti and Skip break out of the thick forest which is a feature of every approach in the region. Seven of us, a joint Milanese / Val d’Aosta team, had hoped to catch of a glimpse of the coveted Monte Sarmiento from this outlyer.

Left: Pierre Sicouri comes well prepared for a typical rainy day.

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Left: The summit support team of Paola Sicouri, Elena Caputo, Giangi Quarti and Augusto Vevey ‘shelter’ at the difficulties.

Right: Sergio Favre, Pierre Sicouri and Skip on the summit rocks .

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Sergio, Pierre and Arnaud Clavel enjoy a fine view on top!

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